martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Chinita holiday


It´s historical origin is  because the tradition tells that on the shore of the Maracaibo lake a litlle plank appeared and an old lady found it, which took to her house. In the elapsed days, on November 18 of 1709, the old lady heared some blows on the wall of her house where the litlle plank was hanging. At first, she ignored this noise, but they bécame louder and persistent, she decided to approach to the noisy place and she saw that on the plank the Chinquinquira Virgin appeared and a shiny light came from her. In the presence of this phenomenon, the old lady went out to the street and started to shout: Miracle, Miracle! Since then  a monument of the Chiquinquira Virgen was builted in the exact place of the lady´s house, which was located in front of the Basilica.
Here in Maracaibo we love this fair, I still don´t know anyone that doesn´t like it, because there´s too much celabration, we have parties everywhere to suit  all tastes, even in churchs we have celabration, even though the people take out the monument of the virgin of the Basilica and walk her to some places of the city.

                                                                 Dawn in the basilica
Some people have their own celebration, they have parties or dinners with their family and freinds, and that is their way to venerate the Chiquinquira Virgin.
We have  a lots of custums , we start to decorate our house with a lots of lights, we have family reunions and eat ¨Hallacas¨ this is our typical food and all this together is the beginning of Chritsmas too. We have lot´s of activities, on the weekends we can go dancing or visiting freinds and relatives. In Maracaibo there is an Avenue which name is Bella Vista, that the Mayor´s office of Maracaibo city decorates, it´s really beautiful and everyboby enjoys it, and all this begins with the Virgin of Chiquinquira Fair.
This fair has a big religious significance to us, because I think there is no Maracaibo citizen that doesn´t believe in Chiquinquira, everybody says that she does miracles, and thats very true.
There is a commercial significance too, in this Bella Vista Avenue and in all the city, in Malls and in stores, and even in front of the churches you can buy a little monument of the virgin, mostly the  tourist, this is one of the main souvenir of our state.


This video is of great coquivacoa which interprets the song venite pa maracaibo that is one of the songs that represents the festivity in this period of the year.
 coquivacoa letra venite pa maracaibo

Maracaibo se agiganta
cual brillo nos da la luna
pues tenemos la fortuna
que aqui todo el mundo canta (bis)

naci el en la region zuliana
donde existe el calorcito
contagioso y sabrosito
sea de noche o de mañana
donde la gaita te anuncia
que todo el año es navidad

venite pa' Maracaibo
a la feria de la chinita
aqui la cosa es bonita
en el bello paseo del lago (bis)

ven que el zuliano te invita
como buen Venezolano (bis)

mil campanas repicando
se hace presente la aurora
y a su china encantadora
el pueblo esta benerando (bis)

naci el en la region zuliana
donde existe el calorcito
contagioso y sabrosito
sea de noche o de mañana
donde la gaita te anuncia
que todo el año es navidad

venite pa' Maracaibo
a la feria de la chinita
aqui la cosa es bonita
en el bello paseo del lago (bis)

ven que el zuliano te invita
como buen Venezolano (bis)

Que bonita...

la hospitalidad sincera
que conserva el marabino
es un don tan cristalino
que le ofrece a Venezuela (bis)

naci el en la region zuliana
donde existe el calorcito
contagioso y sabrosito
sea de noche o de mañana
donde la gaita te anuncia
que todo el año es navidad

venite pa' Maracaibo
a la feria de la chinita
aqui la cosa es bonita
en el bello paseo del lago (bis)

ven que el zuliano te invita
como buen Venezolano (bis)

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